Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Sachar Committee Report - Minority Appeasement

The following is complete list of comments I made and the
appropriate links to various news sites (some of those links
are old):

April 28, 2005
A very mischevous and dangerous precedent is being set. The
precedence lies in the terms set for the panel, based on a
presumption : The committee has been set up to address the
absence of "authentic information about the social, economic
and educational status of the community.'' This panel thus
empowered would generate the convenient data to funnell
'secular' monies into various programs for the musalmman !!!

Who are the scum in the panel : Justice Sachar and company.
We must denounce the panel even before it starts its work and
discredit its findings...we must NOT let this panel get away
with it. This Sachar character is buddy/relative of you know
who : Kuldip Nayar !!!!

And an old link from The Hindu.

Februrary 20, 2006
There never has been a opportune moment for BJP ( should
I say Hindu minded )
and Hindu parties to raise the banner of
protests and articulate Hindu interests. The slumber party
in BJP (after all those giddy six years in power produced nothing
much else :-) ) is slowly giving way to occasional bursts of sane
voices coming thru but they are too late or half hearted in
articulating Hindu (nation) interests

The leftists as always arrogant and completely out of tune
whether it be Iran or privatisation, and what does BJP do....follow
them until RSS stands up and tells them where they must stand
on Iran (Dr. Singh knew better). V.K. Malhotraji's grudging
support for the PM's position is too late and sounds contrived
and dishonest. Shame on BJP for abandoning its foreign policy
initiatives and playing second fiddle to Marxists. (If reports are
correct we needn't listen to that Congressi, Brajesh Misra to
dictate to us...Sangh will do just fine, thank you).

On Sachar, why did BJP wait for so long to complain, while the
terms of the committee were well know way back in April 2005 ?
Systematically and repeatedly we should have objected to
everything about the committee from the beginning, why didnt we
do it ? Is this the new avatar of BJP (100,000, nobody needed Urdu
teachers, Jinnah the secularist and yes, that Hindu vote bank is a
myth, the last gem from the Marxist viper, Sudheendra Kulkarni)!

Today, BJP is playing catch up, and it shows.It required VHP to
remind BJP to take a stand on the unconstituitional utterances of a
raving lunatic (today, we learned a Shariat court in INDIA declared
a fatwa with a 51cr on the head of the Danish cartoonist)! And again,
BJP dithered and half heartedly denounced.

One misses Sadhvi Rithambra ji and her memorable retort to
Narasimha Rao's pleadings to Pakistan to stop sending terrorists :
" a desh ka pradhan mantri hain ki koi hijda?" And she very well could
be speaking of today's BJP :-)

The new BJP wants to annoint a Gandhi (Varun) to become General
Secretary, thank god, the 2nd generation suddenly acquired new spine
and put a stop it. The point is how did the thought even come up ?
What were they thinking ? Are all those workers who slogged all those
years were bunch of morons ? Flexibility can only be so much, beyond
a point it loses its elasticity and rips apart a party built on ideological

The vulgar capitulation to the manipulative socialists (NDA JD(U)) on
reservations in private educational instituitions which excluded
minority instituitions is another stone removed from the unity of India.

Why did BJP not press it ...after all it could have very easily forced
JD(U) to play along : remember we are part of the coalition in Bihar !

Why is nobody taking the whip on the political front and taking to the
streets on this
Sachar business or denouncing the raving Islamic
lunatic? We cant trust the secularist media. Hear the deafening
silence !!

If common Hindu cant look up to the media to stand up or Hindu
politicians to look upto,who do they turn to ? I predict, the mild, docile
and patient Hindu, will soon become one pissed off Hindu. An angry
Hindu is welcome. It is time to grow out of the ahimsa fog and raise the
banner of revolt.

Sadly, the only way he could stand up, would be thru violence. And
violent revolts are always unpredictable but the Hindu is running out
of options. Fast. Is this a prediction, I sincerely hope, my prediction
fails miserably.

April 18, 2006
`Victims of bias, Muslims at bottom of social barrel' (this link most
probably does not work)

Commenting on this news story, I wrote:
LOL. I should be in the prediction business.

Bottom of the barrell hunting peaceniks went into this committee (they
have been talking to people in the community) knowing the outcome
sufficiently well in advance.

Advaniji, must be given credit for raising this issue, repeatedly during
his Yatra.

Sachar committee belongs in the gutter alongwith its members.

October 26, 2006
Almost a year back I warned when this
Sachar committe
was formed and I fear my prediction is coming true very

Here begins the the first spin: Muslims not in governement
jobs. Special 'quotas' will be created to accommadate these
people purely on this. With government in their control, we
know what these Muslims are capable of.

Even at the height of Islamic rule in India, we have not
witnessed such an attempt to control and deprive the
majority of their own way of life.

Read on and prepare for war, because not doing so
would mean sure death of the great Hindu Civilization.

Indian Express story.

October 29, 2006
Sachar tear jerker continues and Indian Express
as always will not publish any majority opinion on this
subject....it generously quotes the anti-Hindu bigot,
Syed Sahabbudin....but will not quote nor report on
the same subject from Hindus...and Indian Express
we are lead to believe is 'FAIR AND BALANCED'. More

Read on...another Indian Express story.

November 25, 2006
Its amazing, such distortions, presented in the report, is easily
altered to suit the political whims of those in power. How can one
trust the report ?

If Muslims are in prison in large number, we want to know that as a
fact. Since when did government appointed commissions become
nation's moralists. This sort of politically correct nonsense should
not be allowed to fly.

Its interesting the Indian Express reporter quotes many folks about
the high number of Muslims in prisons, and most of them give every
reason but what might be obvious and perhaps insensitive (read
politically incorrect) : Muslims by nature are violent and criminal,
perhaps a reflection of the religion they practice ?

If statistic is what determines the plight of the Muslims. Then it is
reasonable to ask why not the statistic that those Muslims in prisons
are practising Muslims...if so why not examine Islam and its effect
on the people practicing it?

This report is pure political correctness. And any proposal coming
out will be a tax on Hindus both financially and otherwise.

A Hindu Tax Committee is what
Sachar Committee is, pretending
otherwise is sheer nonsense.

To illustrate this point :

Today, the government spends money on social programs, read caste
based programs...mostly for Hindus Now where will the government
bring new money to help these Muslims ?

The present revenues are already allocated ...either they have to reduce
the amounts to existing programs which they will not do given the political
calculus or raise revenue to meet the promises they are planning on
making to Muslims based on the
Sachar report.

Raising revenue is an euphemism for higher TAXES. Who will bare
the burden of these high Taxes : HINDUS, of course.

Welcome to Hindu Tax Act 2006.

November 12, 2008
Why is that I have this 'I told you so' feeling ?

Please recall, what I said about
Sachar Committee when the
announcement was made about its constitution and its mandate :
what a dangerous instrument it is in secularist hands.

This mischief being perpetrated by the English media is precisely that.

They have failed to push their agenda on the Armed forces and now
they are coming thru the back doors. The argument would be : Look
their are Hindu extremists in the Army. We no longer can trust its
neutrality. It needs to be counterbalanced therefore hire more Muslims
and thus weakening the Indian Army.

Army refused to implement many of the mischievous recommendations
of the
Sachar committee earlier.

BJP had a lukewarm reception to
Sachar committee report and its
recommendations. RSS would not outright denounce it.

The secularist game plan is very clear to anyone who care to look at it
with a dispassionate eye.

You may accuse me of hyperbole. But I am not far from the truth.
They want to enforce the issue before the Lok Sabha elections. The
so called pro-Muslim (anti-Hindu?) parties are already signed up for

committee recommendations to be implemented, such as the
RJD, SP, BSP, CPI(M), Congress, etc

Now both Sangh and BJP are in a tight bind. BJP had the opportunity
to denounce
Sachar committee findings, they chose to ignore, because
they were busy embracing Kulkarni principle : abandon Hindutva, embrace
Islamists and forge a victory. We know what that did to the party !

The traditions of Army are under attack : professionalism and integrity.
The agenda is direct outcome of secularist mischief.

This half hearted support to Hindus arrested is shameful to say the least.
When Dara Singh, the Hindu hero of Orissa, was arrested and convicted
and when the conviction was reduced to life sentence, we did not stand
by him. Such dithering has cost the Hindus tremendously in the past.

India needs a Fox News (TV), National Review (Magazine), Rush
Limbaugh (radio) and the like for the Hindutva cause.

If we don't stand up to fellow Hindus, who will?

May 31, 2009
This is Nehruvian India, this is how things are done. When Congress
uses Muslims to advance its political gains, it is called secularism.

I have warned many times in the past since the inception of the

committee and its mandate from the UPA government. The
plan is unfolding in all its glory. We on the right are so busy sulking
and pointing fingers, that we no longer have time to see the mischief.

If my memory serves me right, the Sangh also conceded some points
Sachar committee. This portends an almost free pass from BJP
and Sangh.

Hindus, who are they, asked a child in 2125. The father replied they
were ugly, vulgar tribe who lived on the subcontinent, replied the
father while adjusting the cap on his head and thoughtfully brushing
his long flowing beard.


Anonymous said...

For a few seconds, I was wondering who is this proponent of violence on the internet. Then I saw the description of your blog "This blog is about everything that is amusing about India". So I also had a hearty laugh at your sarcasm.

sda1986 said...

I know offtopic but i think you could like this!
